Friday, June 02, 2006

It's the Experience, Stupid!

I'm on my way to San Diego to check out the San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon with Team In Training. I spend a lot of my time trying to improve our users web experience, and always love to see it all come together. Team In Trainnig is sending almost 4,000 participants to walk and run in the San Diego Marathon so this should be a pretty amazing time. I've been with LLS for more than a year, and this was my first real opportunity to get to an event.

I'm 6 months into redefining the entire web experience and this should really pull all the pieces together as we continue to evolve our thinking about how to best optimize ALL the pieces of a fundraising and training experience.

Building web sites is no longer about the virtual experience, you have to consider the entire experience from every point of view carefully in order to really affect things. Amazon can't stop at 1-click, they have to think about the cardboard box getting to your doorstep. Charities can't just build donation pages and forget to send handwritten notes thanking people for donations.

PS - I'm blogging right now using JetBlue's free wi-fi at JFK for the first time... blogging while waiting to board... what a great way to enhance my customer experience.

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