Thursday, June 28, 2007

Beth Interviewed Me

I did a phone/web interview with Beth of "Beth's Blog" today and it gave me a chance to pause and reflect on how far I've come over the past few years in how I use analytics and statistics to drive business results (not without a lot of help from some friends).

Far too many non-profit marketers look at Google Grants as funny money (I do not) and let their IT folks manage the analytics package. It's a huge mistake.

If you are a marketer, you need to own both of those and use them to test messaging, drive results and optimize your marketing strategies.

If you can wrestle control (and some budget) away from revenue/direct mail and prove that the acquisition costs are dramatically lower, that's a good idea too!

I also love the title she chose for her post - "Does Playing Video Games Make You Smarter about Google AdWords Campaigns? Yes!"

I don't have much time lately, but I'm pretty well hooked on the golf game I got for my kid's Nintendo DS, which I happen to carry with me. Who's DS is it?


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