Thursday, August 31, 2006

Yahoo! Answers and Cindy Crawford

I posted a few weeks ago about Bono asking a question on Yahoo! Answers - and the communal response it evoked (both good and bad).

It turns out, that a few days after that post, our Silicon Valley chapter, in partnership with Yahoo! created a unique opportunity for us to leverage Cindy Crawford's invovlement with our Light The Night campaign to ask a question:

How can we make curing cancer a global priority?

After getting Cindy's approval on this question, we ran around like mad to get everything set up (tracking, infrastructure, coordination with vendors, Yahoo! and internal staff). It's amazing to have seen this come together so quickly. In addition to the core question, the PSA Cindy cut for us will be running all over Yahoo! for the next few days - driving both Light The Night registrations, and donation activity (we hope).

I do however have to retract something I wrote in my earlier post: Bono did actually participate and visit Yahoo! - I took the cynical view and assumed he did not... oops! Bono really IS THE MAN, although I didn't run into him while in Dublin last week.

I still haven't resolved my question about how we (or any NPO) should get involved in contributing answers to open questions, but from a marketing, publicity and community aspect - Yahoo! Answers is an amazing vehicle.

Speical kudos to the Yahoo! staff who pulled this off (just in case they stumble on this post :))

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