Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mobile Fundraising?

I'm hearing and reading a lot about the forthcoming "explosion" of mobile fundraising. Tons of issues to consider including of course fee structure from the carriers and the fact that donations are limited to something like $10. I came across this link (thanks Katrin) that suggests that there may be a solution forthcoming. I hope so.

The nuts and bolts of that article:

The Mobile Giving Foundation is positioning itself to be the approval and payment processor for nonprofits in the U.S. with an anticipated April 1 public launch.

Here is how it will work:

  • A nonprofit applies to the Mobile Giving Foundation.
  • Carriers waive all fees for premium SMS donations for the approved nonprofit campaign through the Mobile Giving Foundation.
  • The Nonprofit hires a vendor for campaign execution (the fulfillment vendor for the United Way was Mobile Accord) with Verisign as the mobile delivery service.
  • The Mobile Giving Foundation takes a 10% cut of text donations; anticipated to be reduced to 5% if the volume of campaigns increases. Payments are processed within 60 days post-billing at which point the nonprofit receives a check.
10% is still a lot, but it's way better than the 40 or 50% you'd have to pay now. I still think this is really clunky, but it's a first step for sure.

I wrote about a mobile marketing experiment that didn't work so well a last March here.


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